Monday, May 6, 2013

Surrounded By Wickedness

  • Isaiah 1:8
The human experience is one where mankind wants to do good, tries to do good; but within themselves is the nature of sin lying at the door of their hearts.  Genesis 4:7  As the children of Adam and Eve, the first humans and the first sinners; we have inherited this nature of sin, therefore in various times, places and ways we see this nature expressed.  Mankind cannot do anything of themselves to get rid of this nature of sin, but God has provided for those who recognize their problem.  Once we get to the point that we are driven by this nature of sin, God has decreed that destruction would reign over us.
As part of sinful humanity we recognize that sin is all around us, possibly even boxing us in.  We become enveloped in the wrong crowds, causing our sins to deepen its grip in our own heart.
If we continue in unforgiven sin, we are setting our children up to be cursed with the very same sins we struggle with.  This does not mean they will pay for our sins, we will do that, but that their hearts will become a stronghold for the devil to stand and shoot darts at them.  Our children learn well from their parents, and our weaknesses will soon be theirs,  thus they too become surrounded by sin.

The Devastation Of Sin

The things we see happening in the world today are a stark reminder that sin is devastating.  We see the carnage of the shootings, bombings, wars, America’s homes are a wreck, Truth is trampled on, babies are being killed before they are born, to name a  few.  This is all happening because of our sin; our pride, greed and selfishness.
God has decreed the end of all sin is destruction and death, both physical and spiritual.  Romans 6:23
The devastation we are seeing though it is not caused by God is allowed by Him to draw our minds toward Him.  It seems as though the various atheistic organizations
are quiet when people publicly recognize God during these times of trouble.  God’s name will be Known even if it is only through trauma.
God wants us to recognize Him in good times as well as traumatic times, but since mankind refuses to recognize Him when things are going good, He chooses to speak to us through tragedy.
When mankind begins to see their problems are bigger than themselves, they can begin to rest in the hope of Jesus Christ.  This will give God the Glory He deserves.  God has said “My Glory Will I Not Give To Another”.