The horrific sight of a man being crucified; the sight of the soldiers gambling for His clothes; the religious leaders making fun of Him. How much humiliation can a man bear? He did this for them and us but it seemingly goes unnoticed. Rejection continues as men still refuse to see who He really was.
The darkness that spread over the earth seems to resemble the hearts of man in this world. The light of this world has seemed to be quenched by man’s unbelief.
This scene takes on a supernatural slant when the man dying on the cross cries out in tones that echo “It is Finished” and then dies. An earthquake ensues as He descends into Hell to
Take the keys of death from Satan. He then led the dead saints in a procession through the streets of Jerusalem on their way to Heaven. Before this time, Satan had kept the righteous captive in Hades. As victor over death and Hell Jesus emerges from the grave with yet another earthquake that shows His mighty power.
Satan is trying to get control of everyone again and as men reject Christ, he is succeeding. The price has been paid for our redemption, but men don’t care. They want to be in control of their own lives, which will never happen. The earth shattering experiences ultimately showed Jesus’ power and unless we have “heart shattering” experiences we can not see His power in our lives. These experiences were beneficial to the start of the church, but seemingly today we have lost sight of them. We need to get focused, and stay focused on the Word of God. Don’t let your culture dictate your belief of the Bible but rather let the Word of God dictate your culture.
We need to understand that we as humans do not control our own lives. We are controlled by either God or Satan. I think of it like this: we are on this giant Chess board as pawns and we need to rely on someone to affect our actions. While it is best if God moves our piece He will not do so until He has our permission, on the other hand Satan loves to play both sides of the board, whether you want him to or not. This is when God prompts us to ask for help.
Once we learn Satan’s agenda is there any excuse? Not unless you recognize your part in your mistakes.
If we think we can change the world by rules and uniformity, we have been deceived. It has never worked before, why would it start now? The heart needs to be The Word of God. Don’t let your culture dictate your belief of the Bible but rather let the Word of God dictate your culture. If we think we can change the world by rules and uniformity, we have been deceived. It has never worked before, why would it start now? The heart needs to be changed through a radical experience, and only then will we see true change.