Sunday, March 18, 2012

Unholy water?!

What is unholy water?  Is it water cursed by the devil or what?  What are atheists doing messing with Satanic curses if they do not believe in any higher power?  This situation in Florida of unholy water on the highway making it unholy is absurd.    First of all it is not water holy or unholy that makes the difference, but the whether the people traveling on this highway are holy or not.  We need to be born of the Holy Spirit in order to become truly holy.  The Holy Spirit will live in our hearts if we ask for His presence.These atheists seemingly believe in a higher power being they most likely intoned a higher power to curse this water.  This would indeed make this higher power their god.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Twisters Ravage Midwest

You Never Know when the time will come for you to die.  Are you Ready?  It may be sooner than you expect.  You can't expect heaven to be yours if you refuse to accept the way prepared to get there.  Jesus Christ is the answer!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

the god particle

    A piece of eternal matter known as the god particle is what man is searching for.  Eternal matter does not exist, it had to come into being somehow.  The idea of matter being able to spring itself  out of nothing is ironic, so what are the options for our origins?
Eternal God Created You.
    He loves you and wants fellowship with you.  What are you doing?  Join the troops of God as the truth will stand forever.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

spring of life

A spring of life will well up into a fountain out of a soul that was once dead.  The soul, revived by the power of God, the source of life; will begin to spout new life that will grow in magnitude till it becomes a mighty river as long as it remains connected to the source of its life.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

the burden

The anti God sentiment seems to be growing. Due to the higher uppers in society who refuse to recognize that we all have our bearing from God the creator instead of some eternal piece of matter that eventually crawled out of the mud. What kind of nonsense are people falling for just so they can calm their conscience when they knowingly go against what almighty creator has designed. As man falls further and further from the truth social integrity will also disintegrate. How much of a mess will be made until we wake up and get back to God and the Bible.