Monday, December 31, 2012

Voices In My Head?

    Is God speaking or is what I hear just voices in my head?  I am not schizophrenic.  To understand what is going on we need to look into the spirit world and see what really happens.
    The spirits, both good and bad are in a fight for our souls, and each are speaking directly to us at various intervals trying to sway us toward their desired path.  In truth, God wants a personal relationship with each one of us, and would love to carry on a conversation with us.  In this epic battle for our minds, what would seem unnatural would become reality.  We can not ignore these voices for they are what give us the choices we have to choose from..
    God definitely has spoken to mankind in the past and will speak again.  Through the voice of God, we feel guilt for sin, forgiveness for sin, and acceptance as a child of God.
Speak Lord
For Thy

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Church Goes On: The Devil Unleashed

The Church Goes On: The Devil Unleashed:    -2 Thessalonians 2:1-12     The spirit of the devils is alive and well.  Evil and darkness prevails over much of the land.  The devil...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Where's God?

   With the recent shooting in the school in Connecticut, many people are wondering where is God.  I ask you one question, are you refusing to recognize God and then when tragedy strikes question His existence?  You may wonder why God allows things like this to happen to people He loves.  As I sit here typing this I have to use my left hand because my normal hand is out of commission due to an accident.  We are in a fallen world and therefore things like these unpleasant circumstances occur.  It is up to us to respond in a manner that draw others to God and not turn them away from Him.
  We may not recognize God's hand in our circumstances but He is there none-the-less.  God is in control of our lives and that is what has kept evil in check as  much as it is.  God lifts His hand of protection slightly every now and then so we can see the effects of wickedness on the earth.  Let us stand with Him as He is already the victor over sin and Satan.
    The public school system and its teaching that mankind was not created in the image of God but rather is a piece of matter that evolved as a random process breeds the type of behavior we see in people's value of life going down.  If we can recognize that life is a gift from God, we will respect it and seek to preserve it.
    Does America face a mental crisis or is there something else going on?  I believe what is actually happening is Americans have given Satan a platform to stand on and every once in a while he begins to dance.  Jesus Christ is the only way to rid ourselves of this dilemma so ask Him to dwell in your heart today.
    God has created men with the desire for mastery and that is why we see wars, rapes, mountain climbing, white water rafting, etc...  When this desire for mastery is not under the direction of God we almost always see the kind of mastery that destroys life.  Let us seek to allow God to control our desire for mastery.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday

    The frenzy of shopping the day after Thanksgiving has become a day which is rapidly stealing a thankful heart and replacing it with a heart of GIVE ME (US).  While it may be a good idea to buy your children gifts the focus seems to be all wrong.  I hope if you do go shopping during this time that you do not get caught by the frenzied idolatry that seems to be increasing.

Jesus Christ is the greatest gift!
Please accept His 
For Your soul!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Adultery And CIA Don't Mix

    David Petraeus recently came forward acknowledging his affair with his biographer, but as the story unfolds we are seeing a much bigger SCANDAL.  He is currently accused of lewd conversations with a family friend creating a sort of lust triangle.
    The reason any high profile job and adultery don't mix is, once you have CHEATED on your wife you have compromised your integrity (your honesty) and you will compromise it again unless you repent and forsake all such behavior.  The hope of maintaining a masquerade that covers it well enough to get by is non-exist.  People who hold jobs is such high rank should be held to a much higher level of integrity as an example to the rest of the nation.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Anti- Muslim Film?!

    What does an anti-Muslim film have to do with the violence going on in the mid-east?  Did it really give rise to the flared tempers that is causing the Embassy siege?  What humanity really needs is Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh that came to the earth to sacrifice Himself as a means of re-instating mankind's fellowship back to Himself.  The absence of this is what causes conflicts like the current one.  What this film really did was expose the nature of the beast that was lurking inside the individuals that carried and are carrying out the attacks.  Whether all Muslims are the same or not is beside the point, what we see is what we know; and what we saw was  beastly activity being carried out by a few individuals, not an entire group.
    We actually all have this potential because we all have a fallen beastly nature that comes from Satan residing in our hearts, causing us to do things that go against the principles of God that protect life.  That being said, I am hopeful that you too; will accept God's gift of love, as I have, and allow Him to penetrated deep into your soul causing a real transformation that will not just reform you but make you a new you!  The only way we can have hope for the future is to be transformed or changed from having the beast lurking in your soul to having God himself there, who fills you with things that laws cannot and will not be made.  Galatians 5:22-24
    This is yet another exhibit of the Hunger Games being played out in real life.  Man without God is hungry for mastery, power, and for blood which is why these types of movies sell, and why men seem driven to this.
They are driven but not by God, and that just leaves one other...Satan.  Live your life in a way that is driven by God and His values for that is the only way to live that is worth anything.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


THE QUESTION: Do you ...
: THEY BELIEVE THE BIBLE.....? THE QUESTION: Do you believe the Bible to be the inerrant word of God? THE ANSWER: Far too many believ...
     It is unfortunate that most people in authority have fallen into this religious exercise. The behind the scenes witchcraft that occurs results in further bondage.  Is it any wonder that we face the issues we face as a nation.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Violence is all over the news.  Man shoots people in theater, man shot person in New York on street; what gives with all this murderous nonsensical activity.  If you want to see more violence, check into another violent video game or TV show.  The more we as people watch/ play this type of stuff  we will see more of the same.  We have created an unrealistic environment by projecting these types of things.  Since man's heart is wicked it really is bent toward destruction and that is what we are seeing played out in real life.  When are we going to wake up and stop this type of nonsense.  We must get these types of shows and games out of the hands of  our fellowman.
     Whatever we feed into our soul is definitely what will come out and what we see coming out in our society is death so it is clear that is what society is feeding its minds.  God is not to be made fun of, whatever a man feeds on that he will do.  This is a set law that He has set over mankind.
    Hope is in Christ and in Christ alone.  We do not believe in just reforming our lives but giving it to God completely and allowing Him to change it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Sacrifice Of Prestige

    Prestige is based on what others think of you and is biased based on the value system of the world.  God has given each one of us a unique standpoint that will help Him to spread the good news of the Gospel.  The place we have  in society whether it be among our families or among the people we meet can set us in place to influence men, women, and children for the Lord.
    We must sacrifice the prestige we have among mankind for the kingdom of God's sake or we will hinder its growth.  If we are chasing after prestige we will gather ruin to ourselves.  Men who are seeking prestige are seeking power and influence.  God's kingdom is not about prestige and power but about servant-hood.  We are the servants of all mankind trying to do what we can to serve their spiritual needs as our King commands.

  • Luke 4:5-7
    Satan was right in the middle of tempting Jesus to fall for prestige, power, and influence.  Since man had handed the power of the world over to Satan at the Garden of Eden through man's disobedience to God, Satan has worked hard to corrupt in every way possible.
    The idea of giving this power, and the prestige (glory) to Jesus was absurd because if He would have fallen for it, he would have had to worship Satan.
    Today Satan brings this same temptation to man.  He says, "I will give you prestige and power".  It is a lie, do not fall for it or Satan will have you.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sacrificing Our Dreams

    All of us have dreams and most of our dreams come when we are still quite.  Our culture has this ingrained into each one of us and it culminates in "The American Dream".
    If you are pursuing your dreams they will result in selfish ambition.  "The American Dream" could well be named "The English Dream" or "The Chinese Dream" or any other nations dream.  Everyone desires to work themselves into a better position of finances and influence.
    Is it wrong to have influence or be financially set? No way!  If we are chasing it though, it has become our god and the Lord of all creation is being pushed away.  Satan has used this thing of dreaming big to destroy our spiritual lives.
    Sacrifice your dreams on the altar of worship and pick up God's dreams for Your life.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


     Whenever people want to get back at moral people the usually hit them with "we should have the same advantages and treatment that straight people do".  What is a straight person?  God's principles when followed make for a straight person.  The Bible calls the wicked a perverse and crooked generation and what people are really doing is recognizing what the Bible has already said.
     The crooked can be made straight through accepting the blood of Jesus Christ as an atonement for your sinful life.  This is not just something that Christians have cooked up, but rather the God of Heaven and Earth creator of you and I has designated to keep us pure so He can indeed commune with us.  God knows none of us are truly straight and that is why He came to die in our place.  The death penalty has passed on all mankind because of our sins.  Romans 3:23  In order to join the straight company of seekers of God we must get serious about Him and yield all our weaknesses and  failures to uphold God's law to Him and ask for forgiveness and stop doing  morally debase things that have gone against the will of God almighty.
 Seek ye the Lord while He
May be found
Call upon Him
He is near.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Olympic Sized Mess

     The games are in full swing.  The world is gathered to watch the athletes do their things, but what is amazing is the fact that they are seemingly unaware of the fix  the world is in.  Sin is rampant, men and women are becoming more and more depraved, and debased which will make for a defunct, devoid of reason mankind.  Satan is having a hay day.   Get back to God.  Trust in Jesus and He will save you from the impending wrath of God.  Jesus died to set you free from the curse of death so choose Him.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Man Shoots In Theater/ Hunger Games In Reality

     Are atheists happy now?  Whenever God gets taken out of society and children are no longer being taught about God the inevitable will happen.  When will they learn?  The end result of an education presenting evolution as fact is destruction of human life whether aborted babies or those who have been born.  The fear of the Lord needs to be a part of your everyday life.  Human life is sacred, not because we exist as a glorified monkey, but because during the creation of mankind God breathed His breath into mankind to make him an eternal living soul.  What we do with our lives will determine where we go (heaven or hell) when our bodies wear out or can no longer house our eternal spirit.
Accept Jesus Christ
Your Savior
And King!
     The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Wisdom rewards all of her children.  Wisdom is a tree of LIFE.
     The script of the movie shows public mayhem... shootings in a football stadium packed with people and the like.  Is there any wonder that a packed movie theater gets chosen for the infamous deed.  Children have been watching this kind of  murderous behavior for years and they harbor it in their minds until one day it controls their actions and everyone acts amazed and wonders where that came from.  It came from the devil controlling their minds through the propaganda mechanism of film and evolution that is being taught in their schools.
     God have mercy on us!   We will continue to see more of the same unless people wake up and turn back to God and His value system.  Life is precious!
     Mr. James Holmes is a hurting young man.   The fact of him sending a detailed letter to some psychologist shows that he really wanted help.  When we are at the end of ourselves we have no other option but to turn to God.  our help will only come from God... anything else will not help but will drive us into further despair.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sacrificing Our Energy

     Instead of using our energy to serve our flesh we must use it to serve the God of heaven and earth.
     When we are spent physically, we think we have no energy left to do anything.  Brace yourselves, dig in and pray for strength to go on.  Our life, our energy is not our own anyway.
      Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.  2 Cor 12:10 (KJV)
     Jesus Christ was an example of being physically spent but yet seemed to draw strength from a supernatural source.  Jesus wanted  several times to be alone with His Father but because there was a need among those following Him and even though He was spent, He met their needs so they could see who he really was (is).
     We too must tirelessly work for the Kingdom of God, receiving our strength from Him.  The pressures of this world are relentless threatening to drain the very existence of our energy.  God will hold you in His hand, carrying you through the stormy surge, all the while breathing a supernatural life into your soul. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Sacrifice of Our Resources

     First of all, no man has anything unless God gives it to him.  God loves a cheerful giver.
     The kingdom of God cannot go on unless people give sacrificially of their time, talents (gifts), and money.  God is capable of just saying the word and the world would here the gospel but He wants us to spread it.  As stewards of what God has given us, we are to designate our resources for specific needs ( to further the kingdom of God).
     Maybe God has blessed you financially- give money, maybe He has blessed you with wisdom- use it wisely,  since we all have a specific gift we must use it for His glory.
     If we really are sold out for Christ; the nature of Christ will come through us and bless many other people who need blessed.  We are Christ's feet,hands, and voice; and we can care for those around us by offering to Him the resources He has given us.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Sacrifice of Fasting

     Mark 2:19,20  "The time will come when the bridegroom will go away and then will my disciples fast."
     Why do we fast? Are we trying to gain favor with God?  Are we trying to get His attention?
      These are wrong reasons to fast.  Are we just trying to deny ourselves something for the sake of denying ourselves? are we doing it to be seen of men?
     Jesus Christ wants our full devotion and we willingly give it to Him because we are awestruck with the one who has given us life.  There are many ways we can fast: denying food, pleasure, entertainment, sports,news, etc...  Basically anything that can rob us of our time with God can be avoided for a given time of fasting.
     If we are going to fast, don't just deny yourself something but in its place fill it with God:  prayer, singing, etc...  Fasting is a great avenue for disciplining yourself to trust in God, and a small way you can sacrifice your desires to Him.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hotter than hell?

     What are we thinking when we say "It is hotter than hell"?  Hell is hot, really hot.  The smell is of sulfur and brimstone.  What a rancid, rotten place. While we are definitely under a heat wave, to say we are hotter than hell is an overstatement.  Hell is prepared for the devil and his angels specifically and though the lost (those without God) will go there  it was not designed for them.  Imagine with me hell for a minute.... there is an escape.  The sacrifice has been made through Jesus, (God) giving himself for the sins of the whole world.  If we reject this, it is clear, how can we escape this judgment. 
      How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;
Heb 2:3 (KJV)
      Hope for the ages,  Jesus Christ is our only hope.  Trust him for your salvation and the fires of hell will not touch your garments.  A joyous reunion will await for you with your redeemer in Heaven.
     Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 (KJV)
     God is a God of love, and that is why He has made a way of escape.
     God is Holy and that is why sin cannot enter into His presence in Heaven.

The Sacrifice Of Prayer

     Does prayer ever come easy?  Is it easy to talk to someone you can't always see, feel or hear?  The answer is no!
     Prayer is something we need to condition ourselves for.  The wickedness of our heart needs to be abolished before we can approach the throne of God with the boldness that comes through having our sins forgiven through the atonement of the blood of Jesus Christ.
     Prayer is the avenue by which we can approach the throne of God with reverence in our hearts for His Holy Name.  Prayer is not just throwing a few petitions out there hoping He will hear and answer, but rather, fervently asking Him in His name for His glory and His alone.
     Hope for the world is hinged on the prayer of the faithful coupled with the action that follows a heart with a burden for the lost.
     Persistence in prayer is rewarding  to those who have prayed when it seemed no one was listening.  God promises us He will hear us but how He answers us is totally up to Him.  Instead of giving up we need to persist realizing our needs and our utter hopelessness without Him.
     Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Ephesians 6:18 (KJV)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Sacrifice of Obedience

  • 1 Samuel 15
     Trusting in Jesus for everything in your life will bring you to obedience to the Laws of God.  It will be a sacrifice on our part because it doesn't come naturally to us.  In order to find out what exactly we are to obey we must look to the Bible as it is the revealed Word of God.  God's commands that we are to obey are all found within its pages and we must read it and study it to find them so we can apply them to our lives.
     Denial of one's self-will is important for true obedience to take place.  We can reform our ways to make it appear as though we are obedient to God, but if it doesn't come from our hearts our obedience is forced and our religion has become ascetic.
     God wants willingness on our behalf to fall in with His designed plan for our lives and for the entire world.  Our response will impact more people than just ourselves.

Monday, June 18, 2012

tightrope walking

     Nick Wallenda recently walked across the Niagara Falls.  The falls created their own winds, a mist that continuously settled around him.  He had to focus on what he was doing so he would not fall off the cable that was his stability.  As he walked across the cable swayed under him seeming to the watchers to be treacherous.
     Life is like a tightrope with you walking across the thin cable that sways under your steps, and the constant "wind" and "mist" would hamper your progress unless you retain your focus on Jesus Christ.  Any other focus would be disastrous to you and would result in your demise.
Keep Jesus In Your Focus
All Will Be Well!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sacrifice of Discipline

     Our flesh has a bent toward wickedness thus our natural tendency is to do evil.  Many people do not recognize this tendency and think they are "good", but we all go against the established laws that God has set up for our protection.
     Disciplining yourself to avoid wickedness is a sacrifice your flesh will have to make. We cannot expect to indulge in the pleasures of this world and receive intimate fellowship with a holy God.
     We must learn to discipline ourselves in every area of our lives.  The act of making a life-long sacrifice must be a discipline that comes out of a heart of love.  If we are following Jesus Christ, we are his disciples and are learning His disciplines.
     When we discipline ourselves we are training ourselves to do things that do not come natural for a wicked man (person without Jesus Christ) to do.  The disciplines of Jesus Christ are living a life of sacrifice to Him, and godliness which can then be broken down into smaller areas.
     Godliness will uphold a life of purity, mercy, and faith that is stretched yet firm in the Lord, etc....  To be honest, discipline and sacrifice go hand in hand and cannot really be separated.
     It takes real discipline to offer yourself as a living sacrifice to God.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sacrifice of Praise

-Hebrews 13:15
     It will not be a sacrifice unless it comes from our heart.  We can say words, sing songs or whatever, but that is all it will be unless our love for God has moved us to praising His name.
     If we are truly moved by our love for God, we will praise Him even under pressures that try to rob us of our peace.  The sacrifice of our praise is not determined by our circumstances, but by love.
-Hosea 14:2
     Instead of sacrificing calves upon the altars of Israel, we now can give the sacrifice of our lips or praise whenever-wherever you want.
The Lord alone 
Worthy of

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sacrifice of Love

     The very essence of our walk with God is the sacrifice of our love or loves.
     We need to recognize to further the kingdom of God, we must sacrifice the love of ourselves.
     In our relationships with other people, love is the oil we apply when sparks fly and they are getting on our nerves.
     If we are going to show God's to the world, we must allow Him to show Himself through us.  God died (Jesus) for us while we were His enemies.
     Do you love God more than your own life?  Would you be willing to die for the cause of Christ?
     To deny one's self is at the root of living successfully as a christian.  It has to do with sacrifice to and for God.  Unwilling sacrifice will not merit anything with God, rather a willing heart out of love for Him will offer himself as a vessel, a means by which truth will be expressed.  Imagine what it means to God when a man or woman out of a willing heart does this because of love.
     Are you willing to forsake all?
     True sacrifice of love requires such a complete sacrifice that you would willingly lay down your life for the name of Jesus Christ and to further His cause. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Living Under The Shadow Of The Most High

     As an eaglet learns to fly his mom and dad fly with him keeping a close watch for if he needs help.  They will then fly under him and bear him up on their wings.
     Supposing you are at a certain place standing on the floor with a shadow enveloping you.  You then look up to see what is causing this shadow and you see a 20 ton box being held by a cable above you.  The cable is frayed ready to break at a moments notice.  This is what it means to live under the shadow of Satan.  The destruction of your body (and soul) is imminent.
     On the other hand, to live under the shadow of God is to look up and realize the shadow that is enveloping you  is Him holding out His arms: saying "Come unto me if you are tired and worn out".  He will nourish you and give you rest.  God wants to rejuvenate your life instead of destroy it.
     We have a choice to make which will it be?
Choose life and God will give
You eternal life
eternal joy
eternal peace
eternal hope.
     Life is like a bed of roses, there are thorns as well as beautiful flowers.  We may not necessarily experience no pains in this life, but positively will in the life to come if we choose life. 
     Psalm 91- God wants you to live in His shadow.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fig Leaves to Cover Our Deplorable Condition

     What is your fig leaf?  Adam and Eve tried to cover their sin by covering themselves with fig leaves, but God was not mocked, He knew exactly what was going on and approached them about it.  (Genesis 3)
     We all are born with a desire to mask our sins which we attempt to do by fitting into any of the many religions that man has to offer.  Religion is a mask that people wear to cover up who they really are.  What is your mask or are you in a relationship that consumes who you are making you a new creature in Christ?
     Across the world religions have been established because man has a need to worship something or Someone.  These religions are largely based on fear due to the nature of how people approach the object of worship.
     Unfortunately Satan has made inroads into God's people and many are falling into the trap of putting on the mask of Christianity.  There are two different types of christianity.... true christianity and false christianity.
     True Christianity is not a religion but a relationship that the individual blends into God's character.  True Christianity should be as real to you as breathing.  It totally defines who you are, it doesn't just cover who you are.  You become a brand new person.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Perplexities of life

     Life is full of perplexities and complexities.  Times come when you feel like you are going to faint from the anxiety of life's questions that seemingly go unanswered.  What are we here for?  why does it seem that we take one step forward and the fall backward two?  Why does it seem that many people are against us?
     The answer is one and is simple yet profound.  Mankind is under the curse of Satan because he has yielded himself to Satan's authority.  Man was meant for a life of joy and fellowship with his creator... the God of all creation, but man willingly has placed himself under the rule of Satan.  The dictatorial leadership that Satan expresses, crushes the soul of man (Romans 6:23) so that man can not live; thus successfully destroying the beautiful world that God made for man to live in.
     Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to the earth to overturn this curse, but is only possible if we are completely tired of Satan's rule and thence choosing God the creator over Satan and falling for Him to the point that we are completely committed to Him.

  • Romans 6:23  "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Savage connection gets it wrong

Slavery is pretty old.  Throughout history, the men who were more powerful forced other men into slavery.  God's people owned slaves as well as many others.  If you really read the Bible, you will see the pattern of God's laws governing it, not endorsing it.  The book of Philemon was written so Onesimus (the slave) would be treated as a brother and not as some unfeeling inanimate object.  God really cares about each individual and wants His people to do the same.
     As a servant of God, I feel protected by Him and He always has my good in mind.  We are either God's servants or slaves of Satan, and Satan is a hard master.  I choose Jesus Christ (God) as my master who will you choose?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Truth Or Reason?

Listen to Reason or listen to Truth?  The atheist groups are trying to promote listening to reason, but who pray tell, is doing the reasoning?  Is it  humans who has a history of making mistakes?  Is it a glorified monkey known as homo erectus?  If reason is coming from either of these; it is fallible, corrupted and downright absurd.  A glorified monkey that has "evolved" as said some,  can not reason at all for monkeys were not designed to do such things as critical thinking.
     True reasoning comes only from God the Creator and Savior of Mankind who redeemed us as humans from having to deal with our own faulty reasoning if we trust Him with our whole heart.  He has given us His absolute truth (The Bible) not some mistaken, unproved theories like evolution.  The natural surroundings just scream INTELLIGENT DESIGN and that my friend, would be God.  We are His by creation, and His because He paid a dear price to redeem us from Satan.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"180" Movie

Peace Symbol

Why would a violent dictator seek to put the "peace" symbol on the gravestones of  his high ranking officials?  Is it possible that it also means something else as well?  As Hitler is indeed the man referenced by the words violent dictator, does it seem real that he would want to put a symbol of peace on his men's graves?  Anyway, after searching this out, I found out that it also means "Dead Man's Rune".  It is part of the runic alphabet which dates back to the vikings.  Further it goes to ancient Egypt as a religious symbol.  It truly is not just a harmless symbol that means peace, but mixes with the forces of darkness to make an opaque light.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hunger Games

Any person creating or watching a murder scene has done so already in his or her mind.  The idea of allowing my kids watch this is condoning the very act of murder. Please think before you act.
Murder is wrong.
Life where God has been ignored will open the door to a society that will become a murderous generation where men will do what is right in their own eyes instead of looking to God for righteousness. 

Are we really hungry for violence?  Have we become a blood thirsty people?
Don't become enslaved by these movies or 
books that seek to destroy humanity. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

World Peace

A world that is lost without Jesus can expect turmoil among its inhabitants, but if we allow Jesus Christ rule in our hearts we will have real peace not some make-believe peace that the world has to offer. The world as we know it will never know true peace with itself.  Man is constantly allowing the ugliness of his pride to rise up and cause conflict.   
            Reach out to Jesus and true everlasting peace in your soul will be yours.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Unholy water?!

What is unholy water?  Is it water cursed by the devil or what?  What are atheists doing messing with Satanic curses if they do not believe in any higher power?  This situation in Florida of unholy water on the highway making it unholy is absurd.    First of all it is not water holy or unholy that makes the difference, but the whether the people traveling on this highway are holy or not.  We need to be born of the Holy Spirit in order to become truly holy.  The Holy Spirit will live in our hearts if we ask for His presence.These atheists seemingly believe in a higher power being they most likely intoned a higher power to curse this water.  This would indeed make this higher power their god.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Twisters Ravage Midwest

You Never Know when the time will come for you to die.  Are you Ready?  It may be sooner than you expect.  You can't expect heaven to be yours if you refuse to accept the way prepared to get there.  Jesus Christ is the answer!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

the god particle

    A piece of eternal matter known as the god particle is what man is searching for.  Eternal matter does not exist, it had to come into being somehow.  The idea of matter being able to spring itself  out of nothing is ironic, so what are the options for our origins?
Eternal God Created You.
    He loves you and wants fellowship with you.  What are you doing?  Join the troops of God as the truth will stand forever.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

spring of life

A spring of life will well up into a fountain out of a soul that was once dead.  The soul, revived by the power of God, the source of life; will begin to spout new life that will grow in magnitude till it becomes a mighty river as long as it remains connected to the source of its life.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

the burden

The anti God sentiment seems to be growing. Due to the higher uppers in society who refuse to recognize that we all have our bearing from God the creator instead of some eternal piece of matter that eventually crawled out of the mud. What kind of nonsense are people falling for just so they can calm their conscience when they knowingly go against what almighty creator has designed. As man falls further and further from the truth social integrity will also disintegrate. How much of a mess will be made until we wake up and get back to God and the Bible.